Round 21 - 26

R21: [2sc, dec] x 2 , 8sc , [dec, 2sc] x 2, [4sc, dec] x 4 (30)

If this looks very complicated and dominating, break them down into 4 parts!

  1. [2sc, dec] x 2 (6)
  2. 8sc (8)
  3. [dec, 2sc] x 2 (6)
  4. [4sc, dec] x 2 (10)

R22: 30sc (30)

R23: [3sc, dec] x 6 (24)

New technique: Bobble stitch. These will help to create these little legs on our alpaca! :)

R24: 5sc, booble, 4sc, bobble, 6sc, bobble, 4sc, bobble, sc (24)

R25: 24BLO (24)

R26: [sc, dec] x 8 (16)